We’ll look at that Bud man got some, er I mean to 69 already 46 years ahead of 2069. Guess if you won’t live to 69 you might as well enjoy 69 anyway you can get!
He’ naturally he has shown us all how it’s done and he’s ready for every year between getting to 69…
I forgot the ‘69 for 69 / 2069 oh well you know what I meant…
Congrats Bud and others, been having some health stuff going on and been far behind… get to have heart cath Tuesday afternoon, never had one they say it is nothing like the old ones where they went through groin area years ago, that made you really sore for a long time they they say… now with modern tech usually going through wrist and it’s faster, more tech a lot more tech applied, better results, and while invasive they can do it in office, no surgery center needed, nor do they have any trouble with insurance. 2.5 hours after talking at length with cardiologist NP by phone I was scheduled Thursday for my Tuesday afternoon procedure in office with instructions to go to ER if I needed before and they would see me there. Had the holiday not have jumbled some stuff probably would have been Monday afternoon…
Happy New Year!