Last month, I received what I thought was my annual renewal for my bike's insurance from Dairyland.
I was quite surprised when the letter stated that my "insurance program is no longer supported and as a result, my policy will not be renewed". WTF?! I've been with them for several years [just my bikes] and never a claim. I was in a hurry and didnt read the entire letter but was disappointed as they gave me very good rates. The next day I started shopping around and was not happy with the quotes I was seeing. Went back to the "NONRENEWAL NOTICE" [yes, it was in upper case text!] and read the remaining part of the letter and it stated that there was an enclosed offer for replacement coverage, with a new Powersports program they have. Get this, the rates went down! I was shocked and immediately wrote a check and mailed it so I would have uninterrupted service.
When was the last time insurance rates went down for you? My wife handles all of our other insurance needs [cars, home, boat] and always blames me when the rates go up and lectures me not to get any tickets! [yeah, yeah, honey!]
The rate reduction was not a significant amount but cheaper is cheaper!
If you are shopping for insurance, I highly recommend Dairyland.
They also offer seasonal coverage for you guys up the great white North.