Best run for me was this AM at 133+ sans fairing on 17 x 39 sprockets in 4th gear at 9,200 or so RPM............127.5 jets at 44* advance on VP MR12..........2nd run with 30* advance was slower with less top-end grunt......No time for larger jets and more runs as this was the final day.
Shifting was fixed by returning the left footpeg to original position........that's my somewhat 'bad' leg and ankle. The most disapointing part of this Bonneville trip was the severe 'dimpling' to #4 intake with no evidence of the adjuster coming loose. After hours of filing and emory-paper, a lash cap was snuggly fit while all others popped on as loc-tite was applied to all adjuster theads and no further motor problems were apparent..........I will pull the head in a few days for close inspection.
Sorry guys and gals
........I still have a few things to learn
My top speed was roughly equal to my existing gas record but about 8-mph short of the fuel record.