Have you compared your spark plug tip conditions to the pics at:
http://www.dansmc.com/Spark_Plugs/Spark_Plugs_catalog.htmlThis ought to tell you your combustion conditions. Usually preignition is accompanied by white spark plug deposits, the result of burning rather lean, usually.
What were your compression test numbers?
You say you suspect a particular cylinder. Which one and why?
Are all the head pipe temps the same?
Decarbnonizing the cylinders can be done by feeding a steady stream of antifreeze into each carb intake while running. Anyone who's seen the combustion chamber of a water cooled engine with a head gasket blown into the water jacket can attest to how clean the cylinder can be.
Anyway, put the bike on the centerstand, warm up the engine to op temp (put a fan in front to keep from over heating), and then squirt anti freeze into the carb intakes while the bike is reving mid to 3/4 RPM. A small steady stream or mist is what you want with out stopping the engine, and all kinds of crud will come out the pipes so be prepared for that. The only way I know to check when you've done it enough, is a borescope in the spark plug hole. But, your plugs ought to come out pretty clean. And, when the pipes stop spitting chunks, you are probably there.
The only alternative I know, is mechanical removal of the carbon after dissassembly.