Don……i put a 1 gallon bucket in the tank sink. Pump the bucket full of your solvent. Let it sit for 1/2 hour and all crud eaither sinks to the bottom or floats to the top. Skim off and then pour it gently back in. Toss out the crud in the bottom. Repeat several times.
Here's an idea a buddy shared with me, years ago, when I built my own tank. It’s a stainless (hospital size) sink with a 5 gallon bucket below. Pardon the lousy drawing, but hopefully a picture is worth a thousand words! We use varsol in this tank, so it sits on top of the 1-2 gallons of water in the tank bottom.
The trick is to get the drain pipe deep in the water, so the varsol bubbles up slowly and drops all the real crud drops out, to the bottom. When the drain gets plugged, it’s time to scrape out the bottom of the barrel!