If it has sat that long then I would suspect the carb to manifold rubbers might need replacing. Nurse Julie’s oring kit is top notch, proper Viton rubber orings so it would not be swelling with ethanol. Not a terrible price given the price of shipping these days really cranks up the cost on stuff. I cannot wrap my head around how Amazon sellers make a go of it on many things as the prices include shipping for Prime members and the cost is comparable many times to going rates by other suppliers who charge for the shipping.
So, look up the cost of the new carb rubbers on South Sound Honda’s partstream site for your model 550F. You will find their shipping reasonable and throw in a few other bits and bobs you might need for the refresh and you will spread the bit of shipping across those parts order. I like them a lot when I don’t want to throw some money Musselman Honda’s way, they are Tucson’s oldest Honda dealer and good people. I use them for generic thing on my Suzuki rather than give the thieves at RideNow a dime.
If it has sat that long you are probably gonna wanna put some new tires, tubes, and rim strips on the bike too…
Air filters as you know seem to survive a long time and cleaning them occasionally is all they need and an old filter often works better than a new filter as the filter is efficient a long time as long as you clean the excess dirt from it and give it a gentle blow out or vacuum to clean the filter media.
Check your points to ensure your condensers are working well and a bit of cleaning of the points face is all they should require as it was running well when you put it away.
Glad you have brought it out of storage to enjoy it. Post a few pics, always nice to see an old bike brought back to running condition and see some use.
About the only other thing you might need is some contact cleaner, dielectric grease, .177 caliber brass brush for the bullets as you go through the electrical. The electrical often is the most problem area getting an old bike that ran well back on the road as long as the tank is solid and not rotting during the downtime…
My 550 is just under 30k and has a bad rocker cover and had a significant leak down the front of the motor when I bought the project bike, so I knew I was facing some issues and some work on the motor, So I set about acquiring the parts slowly to get it ready for a restoration as it had too many POs and a crappy paint job…
I’ve acquired many things to set it right and am looking at the machine work and a few things ahead to make it ready for that project start. Few things ahead of it in the queue as another bike is torn down ahead of it to make it reliable and do some preventive maintenance and upgrades…
Hopefully, your bike getting back on the road won’t face a bunch of stuff, but new rubbers for the manifolds will make that job much easier, just don’t go aftermarket on those parts or you will be buying another set in a year or bit over as the aftermarket just doesn’t last…
You doing any paintwork these days? I still remember some beautiful work you have done in the past about 10 years or so ago…