After checking and confirming my suspicion that the camchain is in fact a hypo type I must warn you that the likelihood of you finding all the pieces of the chain is low. The chain is a 9 plate affair, my experience of one of those types of chain breaking is that they almost explode in the break area. Small pieces fly everywhere and plates are flung around the engine. You may succeed in threading a new chain onto the crank only to find the engine seizes as soon as you start it or when it’s put in gear. It broke for a reason, they usually break when the engine drops a valve for instance, you need to find the reason it broke not look to cut corners and just fit another, it’s almost certainly thrashed the tensioner and the guide. You were lucky it snapped at low speed or you’d be looking at major damage if you aren’t already.
Sorry to say but the safest way is to pull the engine apart and see what the damage is. Anything else is just throwing good money after bad imo.