Yes, my first thought was the pistons might have been installed incorrectly, but these have the valve cutouts in the center, which makes me believe maybe they were for another application. These have an F cast into the side on the front and coincides with the correct pin offset, so they were installed correctly. I don’t think I’ll mess with them since they have thick rings and are quite heavy. My aftermarket liners are 70mm OD at the bottom taper, but might try a set of Honda 230CRF 67mm piston as they have the correct 15mm pin and nice thin 1.0/1.2/2.0 rings and compression height is a bit shorter, but can fix that with some cylinder milling.
On another topic, maybe should have its own thread, but…has anyone used a more modern rod and turned down the rod mains from the gigantic 36mm to something more modern? You could offset ground to gain some stroke if wanted as well.
Here’s a #$%*ty pic of the Rickman that this engine is belonging to. This has been running in the Forgotten Era class, ‘73-81…due to its mag wheels and 39mm fork…but isn’t competitive against 1270cc KZ and the big GS bikes. I have plates for it so it will likely due street duty as well . I have a Martin KZ that is competitive in that class so don’t really need this as a pure race bike