i just made this camera mount to attach to my helmet for mine and my father's upcoming trip to carlsbad, nm in a few days.
i purchased the camera case from target for elizabeth for christmas for less than 5 dollars... i hope she's not too pissed when she gets home

<--- me kissing butt, i did just buy her a new 1gig memory card for the camera though.
the velcro strips can be purchased at many hobby shops, dept. stores and hardware stores... a buck or two
cut the hole in the proper place
put the straps thru the strap on the case (if you put the rough side of the velcro touching the strap they kindof velcro to each other)
very sturdy once on the helmet.
it's also adjustable up and down on the straps to account for camera angle... side to side has some adjustment too since the helmet is circular.
not bad for less than 10 dollars wouldn't ya say