Just purchased the bike, so I'm not sure when the last tune up was. However, when the engine is cold it fires right up with a simple touch of the starter and purrs like a kitten. The engine sounds in-tune and is very responsive when riding.
The filter is clean and plugs do not appear sooty (they look brand new, so maybe a tune-up was done recently?)
Once the engine gets hot, it won't turn over with the electric starter. It will however start just fine by push starting, but will stall at lower RPM (like when at a stop light etc)
It will crank for as long as I hold the starter button, it just seems like there is not enough juice to turn the engine over.
Not sure what you maen by choke operation, I use the choke to start the bike cold, it appears to be functioning properly.
Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.
(P.S.- I used to drive air-cooled vws and experienced a problem known as "hot-coil" I'm wondering if this is the same thing here?)