Ah and I am sure you are the expert right? you know all and see all dont you.
Never claimed to. I don't work in the halls of the politcal government, nor would I care to. My past proffession has put me on the pointy end on more than a few occasions. I've built up quite a roladex of contacts and firends who are, shall we say, connected. My current possition puts me in touch with a lot more of the "bigger picture" of foriegn policy inner workings.
So is that a "know all see all"? Hardly. But I do have a better understanding of why moves are made and why men are put into harms way than if I didn't have the background that I have.
I'm only speaking of first hand, or trusted source intell. How about you?
Tomfoolery. (see I can make up words too)
Oh whee.
Fixing issues may not be black and white but it can be done and currently, it is not being done.
It's being done, and quite affectivly I might add. Things could have, and should be going a lot better in some instances, but overall what has been ignored is now being addressed.
I know this won't mean anything to you, but thank God this administration had the balls to take action when and were it was needed. This entire campaign is asymetircal and all encompasing. What ou see on the news is only a fraction of the real battle that is being fought. We are doing well, but the fight is far from over.
So maybe we have less than 10% of the overall picture. That is because our politicians have forgotten they work for us. Maybe if we did a periodic cleaning of the house and senate, this would not be such an issue. If we elected a person based more on ability instead of the amount of money they can throw at propaganda, that might help.
So presidential campaigns are not catering to the peoples wants?
Just becasue the current POTUS isn't someone you like doesn't mean they (administration) don't work for the people. No administration is going to be all things to all people.
A good rule of thumb? never trust anyone who doesn't have enemies.
I believe that anyone who gets into politics has the best interests of the people in mind. Not everyone is going to agree with those intrests/intentions, but I really don't think that the government is "out to get you".
That being said, the bigger the company, the smaller you become. In the end, it is, unfortunatly, about keeping a close eye on poll numbers, keeping a job and catering to the voters.
It's politics, and it's ass.
Douchbaggery? Do you have a degree in it?
Continual engagement into these conversations and everyone will have a Phd in it.