Author Topic: I hate blinkers...  (Read 1858 times)

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Offline babyfood1217

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I hate blinkers...
« on: June 26, 2005, 09:51:27 AM »
I'm about 4 seconds away from throwing my blinkers in the trash can.  I am having the hardest time getting them to work properly.  I have a feeling I just have a short somewhere in my headlight ratsnest, but I can't find it for the life of me.  My first problem is that when my front turn signals are hooked up properly, the left blinker stays on regardless of where the switch is positioned (left - off - right).  When I switch it to left turn, it continues to stay on without blinking, but my rear then blinks, and it will continue to stay lit even when I have the right turn signals on.  Then if any of the wires shift in the ratsnest, then blinkers might just cut out all together.  Based on what I have read through so far in the archives, loose wires/connections or dirty connections are the culprit for the cutting out altogether, and I would then assume that I have a short/crossed wire someplace that is causing the consistent "on" position of the left blinker up front.  argh!

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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 10:04:40 AM »
just take them off and make your bike more "racey" :-\

Offline TwoTired

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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 10:15:44 AM »
It takes two connectons to each bulb for them to operate properly, a hot lead and return lead.  I'm guessing that some of your signals don't have a ground tied into the green wires in your harness.    What happens is that it "finds" a return path through other hot connections, and that lights lbulbs that weren't supposed to have current.

Of course, I have no idea what bike you have and what modifications from stock have been made.  But, the signals are usually vibration isolated with rubber mounts, there has to be a wire bridging the metal bulb sockets to a green wire somewhere.  The chromed fork ears mounting the headlight are also rubber isolation from the forks.  Check that a green wire circuit bridges that rubber.
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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 05:14:40 PM »
This will take a little work, but will answer your question.  Get a set of wires (just one set) and hook them up to the light fixture.  Just leave the wires hanging over the tank, no need to install them.  Beginning from the switch on the handle bar (you'll need to open it up) bypass the wires on the bike with your test set.  You may need to go through your flasher too(you should test that too).  When it works with all test wires, start replacing one test wire with one on your bike until you find the wire that causes it not too work.  You'll find the culprit, but it will take some time.  Then, I would just run a new wire and remove the old one.

If there is a short with the ground testing a wire for continuity can lead you down the wrong path.

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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 09:22:06 PM »
The front turn signals have dual filament bulbs.Rear signals have single filament bulbs Both front signals should stay lit regardless of switch position(running lights). Check why your right front signal is not lit, it could be a bad bulb or bad connection. On my '78 750 if a bulb goes bad the blinkers stop working. Don't know if this is a fluke or by design but it lets me know right away that I need to get a new bulb.
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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2005, 09:34:56 PM »
I to ran into difficulties at the end of my rebuild with the "turn sigs"   
I read all the posts, downloaded all the different schematics, and just could not get them all in sync.

I know this sounds like a cop out, but I really wanted to get this bike out of my shop on to the road.
I finally found a hook up that would give me light power to the fronts while running, and with every thumb pull and push they blink!

Down side:
1) If going quickly, It can be a bit of a #$%* down shifting smoothly while flicking your thumb ::)

Offline oldbiker

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Re: I hate blinkers...
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2005, 02:10:40 AM »
Babyfood, put your location into your profile! SURELY some forum member with electrical knowlege who lives reasonably close to you could offer help. Unfortunately I'm in the UK or I would gladly help.