So every year here in Spartanburg SC the city puts on a music "gathering" every Thursday night through out the Spring and Summer. Since last night was the first Thursday I have had off in about 5 years and since I have not been to "Music on Main" Since 1999 I decided to take a ride down there. Its pretty cool with Music and Beef, a bit WANK but not that bad for Spartanburg. Anyways they block off the whole section of mainstreet right down town and set the bands up in this plaza. No cars are allowed in but motorcycle riders are allowed to park within the "Road Closed" signs. I parked down the street in front of a sushi place that I frequent and had decided to eat at after the music was over and walked up to the show about two blocks away. When I got the i decided to see what types of motorcycles showed up since I had not been to one of these in 8 or 9 years. I walked over and there were the usual HD, HD's with bolt on stuff, a couple custom choppers from the guys up the road that build them, some shadows, and there right in the middle of all this chrome, paint, and gaudiness was beauty of a 1971 Bonneville. Even in the midst of all those other bikes she looked the best, looked like she was rode the most (even in the past week) and not shut up in a garage sitting there while the owner polished everything. There was oil on the engine and gas marks on the tank and she still stood out and was turning heads and stopping people in there tracks. After I watched about the 40th person walk by her, stop, squat down and then take a lap around her I went over to a friend of mine that runs the Bud stand and got a piece of paper and a marker and wrote in big letters "FIRST PLACE WINNER" and tapped it to the handle bars. Man she was nice, and finally the owner showed up to get something out from under the seat, looked at the sign on the bars, laughed a bit and we sat there and talked for the rest of the night. It was funny to watch the HD riders walk past the Bonneville with the sign on her and put there nose up in the air. We had some pretty good laughs at that, and the fact that some guy was wearing a bright orange HD shirt, Black acid washed jeans and some sort of knee high moccasins with his cellphone stuck in it like some sort of boot knife. Guess the jeans were a little tight....... Just thought I would share................................Chris (man those Moccasins were something special)