I wish nature would do a better job of selecting out the chaff from the wheat, so to speak. The world is filling up with morons because we all think " How would I feel if it was me?" What a pointless waste of intellectual energy. It's not you, it's some other dumb ass, he or she deserves what they get. Why should I be more concerned with your welfare than you are? Just last week, a neighbor of mine came to talk to me about a stack of cinder blocks in my yard that his little girl ran into with her bike. He said I should be more mindfull of the safety of his children. I informed him that the "hazard" was on my property, that I bear no responsibility for the safety of his children, especially while they were trespassing and that if he wished to persue the matter he would find out in short order the quality of his dental coverage. I suspect he will instruct his brood that I am not one to be "f'ed" with and that it would be best to give a wide berth. He would be absolutely correct.