Yes. Brimmer him.
As for filing a claim, your state's website (Department of Labor, or some sort) should have some useful information. In my experience, folks who work in those state departments are sometimes very helpful on the phone.
I'm not sure if it was mentioned or just hinted at, but -- should your claim not bring satisfaction -- you can get a lawyer who will take the case on contingency of a final settlement, so you wouldn't need to front money to a lawyer. Without doing any googling, I would guess that there is a national or state organization that refers lawyers for WC cases. I know this is the case for disability claims. Also, it is quite likely that your state regulates the percentage that a lawyer can take for a WC claims case, and if so, the bite for legal work isn't all that painful.
As for what your employer has done to you, just think about this: If employers could lay off workers to avoid workers' comp. payouts, very few in the US would actually be receiving workers' comp.
Most of all, I hope you can back to 100% as soon as possible. :-) Good luck and God bless.