This thing is driving me crazy, and I can't get it out of the F#$@ing garage.
Today I tried to start the bike, after a week or so of neglect (trying to finish a dissertation, and my son is visiting). Because I had been having problems with spark on #'s 3&4, the first thing I did as I showed my bike to my son was pull the #4 plug wire and pop in a spare plug. I had my son push the start button so he could see the spark jumping across the gap. when he saw it, I put the plug back on the #4 plug and backed the bike out of the garage.
when I tried to start it outside, nothing. but now, its no spark on any plug. I checked for voltage across the points and had none.
I replaced the entire points/condenser plate, set the points gaps and still have nothing. the bike has its second set of coils off a '72 cb 500 installed currently, and I plan to upgrade to new coils in a week or two.
what's going on here? I thought that maybe the kill switch on the handlebar might have gone bad, since operating lights and indicator for oil are functioning. whatr would make the plugs/ coils go dead? starter is working too...