Hey all,
So, I was in Maine last week, and saw a BMW with Mexico license plates and stickers on the hard givi bags suggesting that this bike had been all over the US. I was most impressed when I first saw it, because it had some kind of apparently complicated luggage system allowing the rider to attach several bags and a couple of tents to the back of the bike, behind the rear wheel (I hope this makes sense, I didn't get a photo). Anyway..I was the bike again the next day, without all the luggage, allowing me to see the luggage system, about which I had been extremely curious.
The rider had a basic luggage rack--the kind you see attached to a sissy bar. S/he had welded to that a cheap airport rolling rack--the kind of thing you used to see all the time before rolling luggage became standard. Anyway, a hot setup that would provide more than enough space for two sleeping bags and a tent, and probably cost US$40-50. I'm going to start trolling ebay for a sissy bar/luggage rack combo because I really want to make one of those set ups for my next long ride.