Author Topic: 77 K engine sprocket question???  (Read 1216 times)

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77 K engine sprocket question???
« on: July 13, 2005, 11:49:23 PM »
hey all, I have purchased a 530 front to replace the "stock" 630 setup, and when I took off the sprocket I noticed some funny bussiness.
1 There was a spacer between the engine seal, and sprocket, I doubt it was stock because it has a 30mm hole instead of something bike 25 mm to fit over the countershaft.
2nd, the only thing holding the sprocket on is 2 C clips, with no washer between them and the sprocket. \

3 the sprocket in this setup has over 2mm of shaft to slide on, maybe not much in other circles but man thats a lotta play here I think!!   can someone tell me what should be in there?

The new sprocket is the same width as the one comming out. I have a spare lower half of an engine, but it is different in that area, the case is a different shape, and the sprocket is held on by a bolt, not C-clips, so not much bloddy help in trouble shooting!!

Thanks in advance for any and all replies


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Re: 77 K engine sprocket question???
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 02:45:44 PM »
Sounds like in the past someone fitted the 630 only to find it rubbed on a very wide tire of some size, and spaced it out.
Don'tworry about the wobble, it seems to allow the spocket to "float" on the splines and find a "positive location" from the chain run
