Hi, welcome to the forum form Ontario.
$200 bucks! that's a great deal
As for how is the bike to ride, from what I hear a lot of people are very fond of their 750's but that's best answered by a 750 owner.
Carb kit? I just did a quick search and come up empty. I found out that you need Keyster carb kit #KH-1157N. Where I got that number, they were sold out.
Check out the FAQ section of the forum, there is a thread on "where can I get parts for my SOHC4". Might be help there. My guess is cmsnl.com would have them. Might be pricey though.
You can also search the forums "right side of header on page". Chances are somebody already had this dillema, and if that doesn't find you a carb kit, just post your question to the forum.