Author Topic: Need some experienced help on proper removal of front and rear rims {NOOB}  (Read 2588 times)

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jesus freek

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I just recieved my new tires for my 75cb550 cafe project.With the drag bars done for a few weeks my project has been on hold till today when Fed Ex ground rolled up with my new tires tubes and rim strips. I was banking on my Clymer to be here by now but the Ebay seller has had familys probs over the holiday and he finally sent it out last night. I feel confident in doing the tires myself,there is a link somewhere on here to U Tube for a video showing how to do it.Im just not sure on the removal of the rims.


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It's been a while since I had a 500 or 550 model, but I do have a 750 model. Front tire should just remove speedo cable by unscrewing set screw and pull cable loose. Then just unbolt bottom caps on fork tubes and drop rim out. That is if it is the same as my 750. I believe when you tighten fork caps back up that the gap goes to the back side of the forks. The rear tire on my 750 I can loosen the axle and pull the bolts on top at rear of swing arm and just pull the whole wheel and axle out the rear. Of course you have to slide forward and put chain off of sprocket and also remove rear brake arm and rod. I believe if memory serves me correct that your bike's swingarm is solid on the end and if so, then you will have to hammer the axle out to one side. Good luck and hope this helps you.

jesus freek

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Thx. It looks as though I will have my hands full tommorow afternoon after church.SWEEEEEEEEEET! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline cafe750

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  • If you can't fix it with a hammer, it's electrical
When you go to undo the little screw that holds the speedo cable on, use some good penetrating fluid, and a screwdriver that fits very well. Better yet, use an impact driver, with a #2 phillips bit. I say this because that little screw seems to like to stick into the speedo drive, and that little screw head strips out easily....
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 06:59:08 PM by cafe750 »
"It's an old motorcycle, the wind is supposed to blow your head around, it's supposed to leak oil, the brakes should suck, and every now and then, it should scare you so bad you piss your pants."

Roy, Washington