Midnight: I have a GM coolant sensor mounted low and between the center cylinders as shown earlier. It is dead nuts accurate......but, it does take a long time at idle before it hits the 160 temp to stop the warm-up enrichment. But like 750essess says, you can program the warm-up part any where you want. As you mentioned, I may have a problem with things cooling down too much, when out on the road, where I have my sensor placed? The GM sensor doesn't need to be in a liquid.
I am also using a GM IAT sensor. I agree with 750essess....The IAT sensor is very much more important than a CT sensor. The CT is only used during starting. The IAT is used to help with the calculating of the air density. Try to mount the IAT sensor someplace where it won't pick-up engine heat. I think most put it in the air box or inside a pod, if that is what you are using?
I think with the one wire sensor, you have to be extra careful with the grounding. A two wire would be better if they are available, 'cause you can ground back to the same spot as all the other sensors.
No need to tell you...just a reminder...grounds are every bit as important as "the power to." More so with computers!!!