america please keep your oil drills the hell out of alaska... to even think of wrecking one of the last wild places in this country because you can't figure out how to be independent of oil is pretty damn selfish and stupid, not to mention how short term of a solution drilling in alaska would be.
I find your statement quite interesting though some of the assumptions you try to pass on as fact are patently false. Lets look at them, shall we?
ANWAR is one of the last wild places in the country.
Attached is the latest land use table from the USDA which states that of 1937.7 MILLION acres in the lower 48 states only 108.1 million acres are "developed" meaning cities, suburbs,towns,villiages, etc. This does not include Alaska which is 375 MILLION acres itself. You would have me believe that 5% of our land mass constitutes a majority of our land mass and that wilderness is in short supply. Sorry, I'm not buying it.
Drilling for oil and natural gas would be "wrecking Alaska"
A hundred years ago I would have agreed but we now have this stuff called "technology" which allows us to drill while leaving the area virtually untouched. Since this forum is not the place to go in depth on the issue, here is a link to 250,000 articles on the subject for you to familiarize yourself with. also remember the dire predictions of destruction that were spewed when the Alaskan Pipeline was installed. It was going to decimate the Caribou herd and render the land toxic, blah,blah,blah.
The lease for the pipeline was renewed in 2004 and here is the Environmental impact statement given at the time. It is pretty dry reading but to summarize it the environmental impact is negligible. Just one more of many "sky is falling" myths the environmental fringe try to push on us so we will revert back to their Utopian wish for pre-industrial society.
We can't figure out how be independent of oil and we are selfish and stupid.
Easy for you to say but the reality is that we live in a world which runs on oil. If I were to say that we can't figure out how to live without heat, light, transportation, modern medicine, commerce, and national defense, would I still be selfish and stupid? If you had advocated for independence from FOREIGN oil I would have agreed but to quit using oil altogether is lunacy at best and destruction of our society at worst. The only technology which exists today that would have a great impact on our oil usage is nuclear power. Why are the environmentalist so against it then? It is proven safe, clean, cheap energy and yet the believers of the global warming myth hate it as much as they hate oil and post-industrial society. Why? What is wrong with nuclear? Why do they advocate for wind and solar and biofuel and hydrogen instead of nuclear power?
Not to mention how short term of a solution drilling in Alaska would be.
We have already drilled in Alaska many times which necessitated the Trans Alaskan Pipeline that has delivered over 13 BILLION barrels of oil to date. It is well known fact that Alaskan wells are the cleanest in the world. Lets assume that you are referring to drilling in ANWAR. You are right, and best estimates put those reserves at 11.6 to 31.5 billion barrels which would only last 30 to 50 years. What makes you so sure that we won't have the technology in 30 to 50 years that will replace our power needs? Can you look at our technological growth in the last 50 years and honestly tell me we won't come up with something better?
I am a mechanic and a motorcycle lover and have a vested interest in oil fueled vehicles but I also heat my house and shop with a wood fired boiler and use fluorescent lighting exclusively even though there is a Mercury poisoning hazard involved. I selectively cut trees to maximize the health of the forest and only use what electricity I have to, never leaving lights on in an empty room, hanging clothes out to dry, etc. We grow our own food, raise our own meat, and recycle junk vehicles to help preserve the environment. Why? Because I care about the environment and these measures lower my cost of living. You show me a cheaper, better way to live without oil and I'll embrace it wholeheartedly.