Sorry, this is a bit wordy,
Well, last night I tried to solve the coil problem on my '72 CB750k - plug wires are old, cracking and starting arc where there not supposed to. Not getting a good spark. Cranking it in a dark shop was enlightening.... So, I cut off some of the wire in attempt to put the boots back on and the wire was gooey. Not a good sign. Keep going up the wire about 4 inches before it seemed good. Now they are too short so I call all over town and finally find some old style copper core plug wires. At this point I figured I try to replace the "unreplaceable" wires from the coils - they are molded in. I cut them down to about 1" out from the coils, then stripped a half inch of the insulation off the remaining wire stubs. Then I just started wiggling the stub of wire coming out the coils...eventually, the insulation came out and I was left with a decent looking strand of wires coming out of the coils.
This is where I stopped. I couldn't really think of an ingenious way to attach the new plug wires besides soldering them....and then taking a scrap piece of the plug insulating wire and slitting it lengthwise and then putting it over the soldered joint. Then I figured I'd put a few layers of heat-shrink insulation over that... Think that will work ? I heard of epoxy as a way to attach them as well.
As a back up plan, I ordered some decent looking GL1000 coils and wires off ebay last night. I've read that they have the potential to throw a bigger fatter spark anyway...kind of a old-school cheap upgrade.
Anybody used GL1000 coils ?