Toured - Yeah, all over the place.
Road raced - AHMRA #753, Historic Production Heavyweight.
Drag raced - Not in any kind of sanctioned thing, no.
Hill climbed - Maybe someday. Not sure I'm brave enough.
Ridden off road - Yep.
on ice - Yep. Gonna try it with studded tires some time.
on salt - Does Chicago in the winter count?
ridden to another country - Does Canada count?
Laid one down and walked away from it - Ran back to it, got it off the track.
Blown an engine - fragged a clutch coming back from Canada, melted a piston on the same spot a year later.
Did a wheelie - several times.
Wheelied over backwards - got close on the green flag at GingerMan last year.
Did a burnout - Yep.
Did a stoppie
- Dual disc conversion is the best time and effort you can spend.
Entered one in a custom show - Yes.
Ridden with 3 or more people on it - 5 but it wasn't my bike.
Towed a bike or been towed - towed, been towed, you name it.
Skidded a log or hauled firewood - firewood, beer, groceries...
Ran out of gas - that's when I learned what the RES thing meant.
Had a flat tire out on the road - several times.
Been hit by another bike - Turn 9 at Grattan, 2006.
Hit a dog, cat, snake, cow, moose, bear, or bird. - Killed a fox once. Got hit by a bird once - that's the one that convinced me to start wearing helmets.
Chased but got caught - The SIU police have no sense of humor whatsoever.
Steal a bike or hotwire one - I've hotwired a few but only because the keys were long gone.
Make your bike backfire just to see something JUMP
- See my comments re: SIU police.
Ridden into a bar or through a building - The first bar wouldn't let us so we went to another bar.
Gone thru a tunnel & not blown your horn - Fiamm makes some loud stuff.