If you are being sued you may as well tell the guy where you are and take the papers. If you think about it logically doing all of the cloak and dagger finding out what it is about will not change the terms of the suit which you will have to defend. Here is advice given to me by a Lawyer friend who represented Insurance Companies. I had a server looking for me also at one time.
1. Call your Insurance Company and tell them you are about to be served.
2. Tell your parents to have the server call you and set it up with him a time to drop off the papers.
3. You will then turn the papers over to the Insurance Company to have one of their Lawyers answer the suit. Your Company may just settle with the guy and it is done, or you go to Court.
It is, what it is, and you can stop being a fugitive. Anybody can sue anybody for anything, that does not mean they will win.