sparty... what's up? you ok?
was watching the auction a bit ago.. got bored w/ the 911 truck and moved on. sorry to all you civil servant types... no disrespect.
I am fine. I don't have much swelling, just some fluid swishing around. I am bored to death here, I much rather be at work teaching our youth.
I am getting a sore back from sitting around and my dogs are looking at me like, hey lets go outside and play you lazy bum.
My wife made some very stong coffee this morning and I am buzzing - I usually drink half-caf.
I have been reading about Geeto's oil issue.
My Hot Rod engine will be broken in soon and I do find it runs hot with the extra compression. 10w40 Castrol during break-in and cooler daytime temps, but once the hot weather starts I will need a better oil. I am running that oil cooler so I am a bit worried that a heavier oil may not circulate as well. Who knows? I have a case of Honda HP4 10w40 that I will run. I have to make a modification to the oil filter adapter that Terry made for me. The Wix filter I am using fits snug and doesn't have a very deep recess for oil flow, so I will make the oil passage way a bit longer on the adapter to be sure the oil flows through the filter better. I am not sure if it really matters, but I want to be safe.