Hi fellow fans of the SOHC Honda, I'm Hush and my ride (whenever I get it finished) is a 1979 CB650P which is the Police version. My son kindly bought it for me as restoration project and to give me something constructive to do in 2008.
Bike was in various bits when it arrived and am sourcing parts as they come available, NZ not being the largest country in the world some things are frustraitingly hard to find.
Honda came with an ugly set of 4 into 1's which look absolutely hideous (maybe they add some horse power but at my age I prefer the original look and sound of a well tunes Honda).
I so envy you guys in the states, trawling through Ebay looking at all the parts I could use and knowing that getting them back here is nigh on impossible or horrendously expensive.
I desperately need a set of 2 into 1's before I go much further so if you are sitting on a set think of me out here in Godzone.
Latest purchase arrived yesterday, an original siren and police red flashing pole light, need the two reds that sit on the front crash bars but that's another story.
Having restored quite a few bikes over the years, this Honda has throwen up all sorts of new challeges, like how to get my two ham fists into the small space below the 4 carbs to remove the float bowls! Would it be sacrelidge to replace them pesky cross head screws with allen-key studs?