As long as the subject of "mowing" has been brought up..
I've got about an acre and a quarter that gets about a foot high..before I get to it. Takes me "hours" to get it all mowed down (then another couple of hours..to go back and pick up all the "hay" created). Have got an older Honda riding mower..30"..11 HP..which just barely has enough "chutzpah" to get through it all.
In my sentimental "Honda loyalty" I try to get Honda bikes, power equipment, et al. when possible, affordable. Honda doesn't make riding mowers any longer I'm told. So I've been hanging on to this one for the past 10 years or so. But afraid it's getting tired (needs valve job, probably rings, etc.)..and as we all know..Honda OEM parts are not cheap. 11 horses..by today's standards..is also rather underpowered for a riding mower..even when it's running well.
My question to other gear heads, wrench turners is this: What do you know about other riding mowers..i.e. are any of you particularly impressed by other brands, models, etc? Also thinking that maybe some of you (due to this thread) have been through similar decision process yourselves.
I've been looking @ "zero turn" riders with around 15 to 20 HP..and about a 48 inch wide cutting path..thinking that will reduce the time, effort of taming my little domestic jungle.
Have been looking @ Walker mowers (made locally here in Colorado)..but they start @ 5K..and go up in price from there! A little rich for me..but maybe used? There also seems to be a big difference in performance, durability between the home and commercial models too.
Any firsthand experiences, recommendations would be appreciated.