Folks, here is another
Update on Bre. And, as usual, I'm copying straight from Jay's own words.
Breanna and Mom moved back form Chicago. Bre flew in with Sanford Intensive air on Dec.16 and is residing at Childrens Care Hospital and School. We have come back to SD for her to have orthopedic surgery on her feet and left leg as they are still to tight for any re correction. Her wrists are being managed with braces. She has slight movement in her right arm and right leg and is able to control her neck for short periods of time. She still has a trach and G feeding tube as we are working forward to make sure she can swallow to keep her airway clear and breath on her own normally. She has progressed somewhat in this endeavor to get the trach out but not fast enough for it to be safe for her. We are praying for a miracle for her this holiday season and may God please answer all our prayers. Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
And, I'd like to add that I am Praying for a "Special Christmas Gift"
"From Above", for Bre and Family.
MY Christmas will be totally complete, if Bre could only receive the Miracle that Jay and his family are Praying for.
Jay, May Your Family receive that Miracle to make this the Best Christmas Ever!
Praying More Than Ever, Bill