My name is Gary Miller, on screen handle is "Cpl Miller" from Sacramento, Ca
Purchased my first Honda 750 in 1974, founder of the motorcylce club Easy Aces of Bay Area, Ca. Had our club for 7 years with over 35 members. Sold my first bike in 1980 to move our family out of state.
Missed my bike for all these years until a week ago when I picked up another 750. I'll create a photo section and post the bike. Plans are to build the bike for road riding, increase power from the 750CC to either an 836 kit or 812 if I can find an 812 kit. In the 70"s we use the Yoshimera 812 kits, but am not sure what is offered in todays Market. I'll be looking for advice on the CC size I should run. I might add I was the Harley and Honda machanic for the club so I'm not new to the bike, only todays new parts for the bike.
Anyways, I look forward to meeting you all and posting on your forums.
I might add I am a Former Marine and Viet Nam vet for all you vets out there.