Author Topic: Any Interest?  (Read 882 times)

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Offline void909

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Any Interest?
« on: July 10, 2008, 10:56:16 PM »
I am putting together a dual disc setup for my cb750. Would any other members be interested in having this hardware in stainless steel? I am working on getting some bulk and depending on a price I wouldn't ask much over cost plus shipping. The set would include:
    * 6x 8mmx110mm bolt (for disc)
    * 1x double banjo fitting (for the two lower brake lines)
    * 2x 6mmx30mm bolts and washers
    * 1x 8mmx35mm bolt and was
    * 10x spare 6mm washers
If there is some interest I will order the bulk, make sure everything works and them post in parts for sale. My goal isn't to make a buck it is to contribute to helping the people who help me. 
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