My wife is a seamstress, with a heavy duty machine for sewing heavy fabrics. She has made several seat covers with all the sticth lines for several guys here in Michigan, she uses a heavy thread such as used by the outdoor boat cover people, so it holds up to weather and the seat material itself is the polar vinyl/ leather like texture such as used on original and other aftermarket seats. A couple of guys are on the 2nd season and they are holding up well, she just started doing them last year, so we haven't anything longer is testing.
If you want to carefully remove your cover, and ship it, she will make a duplicate and you can re-install it. SH needs yours to make a pattern, she hasn't got patterns yet from everything, but when she does that won't be needed any longer.
Time and material adds up to $150, plus any shipping fees.
think we have some pictures someplace.