Hey fellahs. Check it out. Pistons came of with out even offering to put up a struggle!
(The rags blocking the holes were a lifesaver though. Great tip.)
Ready to take to the machine shop for measurements and diagnosis I reckon:
Now about those pistons. I did what Martino (or was it Spikey) said and I scratched the 1 - 4 into the carbon on top of the pistons. I did what Matt said and created 4 separate bags, One for each piston, it's wrist pin, and clip. Two things about that:
1) Will the machine shop need the wrist pins and clips as part of what they will be doing? I'm thinking No. So, should those bags stay safely at home with me where I can be sure they won't get mixed up or lost? Or do I indeed need to hand over the four bags, piston, pin & clip 1 -4 to the shop?
2) As I said, I scratched the piston numbers into the carbon on top of the pistons. Is there any danger of the friendly machine shop cleaning that carbon off for me and thereby causing me to lose track of which goes to chich cylinder?