I can understand the concept of a rat bike or rod, but damn that's just too darn contrived. The frosting on the cake is those exhaust. It was bearable before that.
"Rats" came about in my eyes because the folks modding them didn't have the money or wherewithall to come with a stunner Barris would be proud of - they weren't trying to make them ugly. The ammo can-panniers? I can dig that, if temporarily; a good fitting set of those that fit well and snap on and off easily could fetch a pretty price. Tough and ugly are two different things and I think lots of folks think just adding something that looks like it was hacked (kudos if it works) makes it some badass rat bike. No. the owner is now the most despised meatball on his block. Everyone rolls their eyes when he rolls by, instead of craning their necks and staring longingly, as he used to think they did. Delusional.
That exhaust is horrible. Different and original yes, but I bet it sounds like crap and runs even worse. Okay the pipes on it weren't perfect, but neither was the rest of the bike. I'd take a bike or rod with fake patina on it any day over that abortion. Hey I got some old soda cans, and that aluminum's pretty soft maybe I can shape them to fit with some rocks to fit them holes in the motor and look different.
In this bike, it seems function follows form. But the form sucks, so what now?
Okay, sorry for the rant, but I can't stand fake. I don't want to hear arguements about "do what you want" and "whatever floats your boat", but I think the masses could speak for me on this one. Take that bike to a Colter's car show and you'd have big pile of half digested ribs, rolls, ham hocks up to the bike's ugly exhaust (hopefully that'll shut it up) because everyone would be so disgusted as they strolled by. That location would soon close because the once loyal customers will now only think of that monstrosity when someone says Colter's, making them get sick all over again and lose their appetite.
This bike reminds me of the Volkswagen you always see at eccentric art shows, the one colored in all kinds of colorful graffitti, Christmas tree garland, and glitter. You almost have to look because it's so weird. I just hope he keeps it in Europe.
IMHO. Now I'm safe from attack, right?
That trip sounded like fun though.