Author Topic: 30 year Grad reunion coming up  (Read 1362 times)

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Offline seaweb11

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30 year Grad reunion coming up
« on: September 04, 2008, 07:30:52 PM »
 This is secret right ;D

Dear Anne Landers:
::) So next weekend is my 30 year grad get reunion at a pub in West Vancouver. 

I have ONE buddy that I keep in contact with and have known him since we were 4 years old, he lived 4 houses away from me my entire childhood.  I think I would keep in contact with him even if we hadn't graduated together.  Great guy!  We have done everything together, woman, holidays, etc.  "you did read that correctly ;D   In fact he was with me on the cruise to Jamaica when I met my present wife. ..........and no we didn't on that occasion.  We have booked a suite at a hotel near by so we can party a bit before and after 8) even though he lives just across the bridge.

I'm not fat, I'm not bald, I retired early, so it should be a breeze, but I really don't want to answer that question....... what do you do?
My usual response when asked is, "I restore old bikes, and work on my property"  I hate getting into the hows and were fores regarding my income source. It just takes to long, and I'm tired of telling it!

So has anyone else been to a 30 year reunion?

How did it go?  Any "Rommy & me" ideas?  (old movie) with 2 chicks who decide to tell the people at their reunion they invented post-its"  ;D ;D

P.S. I had a dream last night about a woman "girl" when I knew her that will be there, ...........trouble :o  a good dream.......... 8)

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 12:14:40 AM »
The "class of 69"-type reunions are a very curious thing to my eyes. I have seen the scene many times in different movies, and as they are not common in Spain, I can't help but amaze me at the situation.

Sure thing there is something cool about meeting people that you haven't seen for years, maybe decades. But I have the feeling that everybody leaves those reunions with a bitter feeling.

People is not anymore as we remember them, nor are we. Those we liked have become a nuisance. The lovely girl is now a fat, ugly woman. Probably the only satisfaction is to witness how the cool, popular guy of the classroom is now a loser. Then we can get some feeling of achievement like "well, my life hasn't been that bad after all".

I have lost contact with all of my schoolmates. I only keep the phone number of a couple of them, and we talk sometimes but meet rarely. We know where we are and that's fine. I sometimes have stumped onto schoolmates and I remember them pretty well -I'm good at remembering faces, even if they have changed-, and then I say to myself "should I tell him something?" just to reply, again to myself "Why? He was a complete a$$hole back then, so I really wouldn't have much to talk with him"

Schoolmates is not something you choose: you get them randomly, and then, friendships are born based on common interests, similar traits etc. When the school finishes, the common bond disappears, and unless there is another bond, the friendship usually fades away because you get new friends at your new place. The number of friends you can appropiately deal with is limited, at the end you have to pick the best ones.

Sometimes, when nostalgie struck me, I have searched for names in the phone directory, but never phoned. It's OK for me to know they are around and where do they live. I don't need a "class of '90" reunion to meet my schoolmates; I can always meet only those I would like to meet" But I rather get on with my life.

I had a very good mate, we even became "blood brothers -cut included-" when we were 16, and we too shared a girl. She was my first girlfriend, and he dated her when she left me. Technically speaking, she was not my girlfriend anymore, but it hurted me pretty badly. Still, I liked that guy, and I was an idealistic believing that friendship was more important than love.

I invited him to my wedding, and also another of my schoolmates. But later the relationship froze, and we didn't talk for a few years. A couple of years ago I located them and emailed them. They seemed happy to know from me, and we were about to make new plans to meet and talk about the good old times. But then I thought that after that we would not meet again, so it was pointless, and I just tell them it was good to know they were fine but it was better if we continued our paths. I know I will stumble upon them some day, and it will be a happy day, and we will have a coffee or a drink or a lunch, but only if it is a coincidence.

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 12:58:02 AM »
Very insightful Raul.

Me and my Bud Dave do make time to see each other a few times a year........... But the rest of them????????

Oh well, good excuse to fly over the to big city and get drunk with a friend again ;D

Offline Demon67

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2008, 01:51:13 PM »
Went to 407 Sqdn reunion in Comox it was a blast but it was with a couple of old friends both LAC's like me but if they hadn't been there wouldn't have known any one, (I think most of them are dead or sick) but it was still a blast, now the barracks are co-ed so one of us had to take his wife into the barracks, first time he'd managed to smuggle a woman into them LOL. it was interesting to see that with all the cut backs that the place almost looked the same as it was 45 years a go, but would I do it again? Don't know.
Bill the demon.

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 06:53:05 PM »
Party was on Sat. Flew over on a sea plane, Buddy had a house borrowed 3 blocks from pub, parties afterwards .

7:00 am went to bed ;D

Haven't done that in...................30 years ???

It was a hoot.

Offline Demon67

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 04:29:28 AM »
Figured you'd have good time Seaweb11.
Bill the demon.

Offline SD750F

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2008, 07:46:46 AM »
My 30th reunion is next year. And I have already received a couple emails from school mates who want to know if I will be attending? Of course I will be there! Wouldn't miss it for the world. Not that it was the best of times, but I do have some friends that I still keep in touch with and that is what will make it worth the time. One of them is now a California State Prosecuter that got Scott Peterson... Way to go Dave!!! And only if his boss knew some of the things...  ;)

BTW, I attended the 10 and 20 year reunions also. The largest group in attendance by far was at the 10 year. And I was completely surprised by the number of classmates that I thought didn't know me from dirt came up to me to say hi.

So my plans are made, you should do the same. And enjoy.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 07:51:09 AM by SD750F »


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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 08:54:32 AM »
I'm with Raul on that one. I've stopped trying to contact "friends" i had when I was at school or in my early 20s. Case in point; When I was at my catholic college doing my secondary school education, I had a very good mate, played in the same rugby team, went out chasing birds together, I'd stayed at his place several times etc. I met him 25 years later. He was married and had 3 kids. He was the most obnoxious, opinionated and arrogant man I'd come across in a long time! I realised after 24 hours I disliked him intensely but had to spend another 24hrs in his company before I returned home. Man, I was counting the minutes! That and about half a dozen other close encounters with long-lost "mates" made me decide to avoid reunions.
My wife explained it this way: If you're disappointed your friends have changed maybe you should take a closer look at yourself - most probably you're the one that's changed the most.

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2008, 10:37:42 AM »
I found most people were very similar in personality as when younger.

The Ass H0les were still Ass H0les etc..............

Had some very good reconnects while there ;D

The only 2 retired guys were me and my other stoner friend from school.  The 2 least likely to succeed 8)
We had a gas with that concept  all night ;D

Offline tramp

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2008, 03:50:46 PM »
glad you had a good time
i tried to think of anyone i would pay the reunion fee to see,$75 per person
decided that there was no one i would pay $150 to see
1974 750k

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2008, 04:21:20 PM »
That's OK, there was a gut at ours complaining he had to pay $40.00 to go as well ::)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2008, 09:59:00 PM »
My 40th is in the planning stages for next year from what I've seen. Yeah, I'm they are getting old. It's not like I hear from any of them either. Only reason I'd go is to show off my 12 year old daughter and perhaps meet some of their grandkids and see how old the women are looking. Ouch  ;) Guess I'd have to get a pair of waders to get through all that BS. Perhaps put on my old style biker leather and ride up with the daughter on my loud Harley. What do you think? What else could I do to mess with them?  ;)  ;D
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2008, 10:48:54 PM »
Just show up, be cordial and by all means "Its better to look good than feel good" LOL ;D ;D

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 10:51:26 PM »
I agree, it's not only the others who change; we change too. Regardless, our view of the people we used to know may very well be different from the old times. My feeling is that you always leave those reunions with a bitter feeling: either by disappointment, or by sadness and nostalgie. And I wonder how long would those "reconnects" last.

Bottom line, each case is different. Each personal experience with life and school is completely different in everybody. Next year it will be my 20 year since I graduated and I have never felt any nostalgie about anybody. As I said, sometimes I have just googled for people or phone numbers, and that's it.

Who knows? Maybe in a few years nostalgie will strike hard and I will pick up the phone and dial..... or I receive a phone call from somebody instead -very unlikely as I was one of the assh0les HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

Offline seaweb11

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 11:07:35 PM »
Raul: They don't change their core personality. Just jobs.   

A couple of woman came up to me and said "Im glad you were here" and it was genuian,and we talked and flirted for quite some time. It felt good to know you made a possitive impression on even a few ;)

Out of 80 people in attendance, I will be in touch with 2 in the future.  A couple of guys I'm sorry I lost touch with.
That's good enough for me. Can't we all allow another 2 people into our lives?

Nothing bitter here. It was great FUN!

I did not go to my 20 year.

Glad I didn't cheat myself out of this one.

Just GO! .....and raise a beer to me if you have a good time ;D

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: 30 year Grad reunion coming up
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2008, 07:45:51 AM »
I looked around and thought, "who ARE these old f*cks?!"
Rather shocking, actually, that I was the most youthful and good-looking.

My own mother never believed a thing I said, so I just made carreers up;
I bought Intel and Harley Davidson in the early 90's
I sell women's shoes
I write reviews of old motorcycles

Who cares? 
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!