So my bike is back together for the third time. I feel like I know every nut and bolt on this bike, save for the cases. I've had so much downtime waiting for parts. As the title says it's ready now and I started it for the first time in a while today, 6 month old gas and all.
It gave me a hard time kickstarting it, as my starter solenoid is bad, so I just shorted the poles for about 5 seconds, gave her some throttle and she coughed to life. It was popping just a bit, but ran quite smoothly after changing the IMS. After letting it warm for a bit and fiddling with the idle, I put my helmet on and went around the block 3 times, about .75-1 mile diameter. Man this thing pulls good! But then again, I don't have anything to reference as this is my first bike. Only problem is, I'm having a hard time getting into neutral from a stop. More clutch adjustment is needed I suppose.
I can report the change to the braided lines helps quite a bit, but I don't want to really put the brakes to the test until I can get my new pads in there.
While I had everything apart I polished up the primary, alternator, and clutch covers. They came out real nice. I sanded them in progressively lighter grades of paper going up to 1200, then polished them a bit by hand, then waxed them down. They've got a somewhat stock looking satin sheen. I couldn't be happier.
On to the MSF. Video below of it idling in the driveway.¤t=IM000235.flv