The back seat of my Ducati was never designed for passanger comfort. So, when I found a good price on one of those gell pads for the bike, I thought my Fiance` would be very happy with me (since she loves riding the bike, but hates how her butt feels abuot 15 minutes into the ride).
I figued I would try putting the pad under my own but for the ride home to see how it feels. I made it about 15 miles before I danm near through it in a lake. I couldn't stand it! When she got a chance to try it, she said it was a little better than the stock seat, but not by much.
Next I bought a seat off of ebay for the bike and a couple of the plain gell pads from JC Whitney. I inserted them into the seat front and rear. Again, for her, it was a little bit better, but not much. For me, the gel started to break down (since I ride the bike so much) after a whle and it was like sitting on a rock covered in moss.
I won't buy one again. I have a friend, though, that swears by the Sheep skins... as long as you can handle the roadkill remarks!