If any read the 1st 4 or 5 books of King's "Dark Tower" series, It's fianlly complete. (after about 18 years). warning.. He gets kinda goofy in the end and introduces himself into story. ah well, I read series, as they provide long term entertainment.. Chalker's "Well of Souls", and Farmer's "The Magic Labrinth"are favorites. For an obscure read, "The Rivers Ran East" by Clarke, Is a biographical tome of a retired army Col. who travels the Amazon in search of the 7 Lost cities of Gold (Eldorado), I think I stole my copy from my Gram, at @ age 14 and have read at least 6 times. recent read's which I missed the 1st time around & found captivating, "The Light That Failed" Kippling, and "A Movable Feast" Hemmingway. I see no poetry entrys, Perhaps that's a stretch for most, but, Robert's Frost and Service have works which have occupied my mind on many a long tedious ride. G