Author Topic: If you feel like blowing some money....  (Read 881 times)

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Offline greenjeans

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  • 1972 CB750K2
If you feel like blowing some money....
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:23:16 AM »
For what it's worth,

The British pound is down lower that it has been in a while (1.47 vs 1.00) , so I ordered some 341's from David Silver Spares last week.
total including shipping to TX was just under $700  Still very pricey (had to cut back on some things for the last few months) but cheaper
than they have been in a while - I now have more in the exhaust than I do in the whole bike!

Better than the guys on ebay selling for $1100 + shipping.

Just in case someone is in the market.  Also - I'll be selling my old set - check the for sale forum
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 09:31:44 AM by greenjeans »
Yep, I'm the kid that figured out how to put things back together...eventually.