Yes. It is a small bike. I chose this model with gas prices ('petrol' if you must) prices in mind. I have enough of a bulge in the pants that compensating with a big bike isn't necessary for my self esteem... although I understand the choices of those who were not as anatomically blessed.
It's just a pity that the "bulge" to which you refer, is your swollen arsehole after a big night out at the "Blue Oyster Bar"..........
And yes, the color is putrid. Paint will be one of my next projects. Styling wise though, I have heard the little CB350F referred to as the rolex watch of the Honda line-up. The world's smallest four cylinder, precision engine that runs like a top. I like my little bike.
Ha ha, "Timex" more like it, tick tick tick...........
I enjoyed our fight. Fresh out of things to jab you with.
What happened to your "bulge", sailor boy?
I hope that I can count on you for advice when it comes time for my next build.
Ha ha, yeah mate, no worries, in fact, all "piss-taking" aside, I really like the CB350F, I restored this one in 1996 and it now graces the lounge room of a Mercedes dealer, but I only got rid of it because it was too small for my 6'4", 260 pound body. Me riding a 350/4 is probably akin to "Cruel and unusual punishment" in some states..........

I am gay too....I am ok with that. My wife Trevor, and his 2 kids wouldn't disagree with ya
Fair enough Dennis, nothing wrong with that mate, sure, I used to beat up gays back when it was a national sport here in Oz, but in these days of "political correctness gone mad", I accept you, as my equal, even if you still can't manage a wheelie on your CBR..........

And I must say you and your wife look radiant in this pic of your motorcycling honeymoon!