for many many years all my project cars have been fords (85 mustang lx notchback with a 514, 64, 66, and 1970 galaxies) but since my next, and likely last project car is going to be the 77 vette i'm getting from the son-in-law i decided to craigslist MOST of my ford parts (blocks, cams, heads, 2 t-5's) and i was blown away when, 15 minutes after placing the ad i got an email saying the guy would be here today with cash for my asking price (1750.00) couldnt have come at a better time too, trans in the saturn is going south. i kept back the top loader, 428 shortblock and all the big block parts in case i ever find a 50 ford tudor that i can afford. so the moral of the story is, sometimes graigslist DOES work.