I'm not sure how much help a general engine rebuilding tutorial will be, as most of the tricky bits you're likely to encounter will be specific to a sohc4 engine. If you follow your manual to the letter you'll be in good shape, and when you find yourself stuck at something come here and search the tech forum because chances are lots of other folks have had the same issue.
Take lots of pictures during disassembly, keep all the parts you remove well-organized and labeled, use plastic baggies for smaller parts like nuts, bolts, screws and brackets. Make yourself some cardboard templates of the valve cover and engine side covers, poke holes in them where the bolts go, and then keep the bolts in those holes so you don't have to figure out which one goes where when it's time to put them back on. And make absolutely, 100% sure you have all of the head nuts removed before attempting to pry the head off the jugs.