I am right in the middle of gutting my electrical "panel". I will publish all that I'm doing but just to get you a preview, I'm changing the fuse holder, rectifiers, voltage regulators, connectors, etc. Here's what mine looked like before the surgery (stole this from a recent post):

This stuff is NOT rocket science and I have to be thankful to this forum for getting me the "scoop".
1) Starting from the top left is the fuse box - take out the 2 8mm bolts, follow the cable attached to it and unplug it from the harness and you'll have your fusebox in your hand.
2) middle is the voltage regulator (with the 3 leads going to it). See the green/white/black sticker? Wadda ya know, those are the corresponding wires going to it - more on this later in the post - I think I have a smaller, very cheap and more efficient solution for this which might fit your needs.
3) Lower right - Rectifier (nice arrangement of diodes that turns AC from your alternator to DC). You can follow the wires up to it's plug. I'm replacing this too. In theory, newer rectifiers are more efficient (essentially make less heat and therefor have less losses).
4) The red circled thingy is the mystery dangling green wire. It's a harmless ground that can be used on a flasher that needs one or possibly on a solid state voltage regulator that needs a ground... hmmmmm
5) The bottom left - looks like a black boxy thing is a diode that does not exist in all incarnations (years). It's related to your neutral switch/cutout circuit.
6) Cannister looking thing (upper middle - right-ish) - solenoid.
This picture was "liberated" from user DHonda's post - Thanks Man!
The below picture shows a Ford Regulator (Duralast VR730) available at AutoZone for 13 bucks (sitting next to a Honda VR). I tore it apart - it used to be mechanical inside like the Honda's but is now solid state but has the same "form factor"/case that it had when originally introduced.

I tore it apart and tin-snipped the daylights out of it to get it down to this - compare the size of the white connector with the above picture - it's the same "guts" with all the tin cut away (now 2"x2" overall):

I also bought some connector parts and tools from
www.vintageconnnections.com (nice guy and great stuff - hey, how did that old rectifier sneak into the picture?):

I'm having a blast working on this stuff and expect to do a "step-by-step" on the forum. Stay tuned.