Where I work in the UK, we have every nationality, colour, race and religion. If I were to hear a person calling anyone on any of these counts, I wouldn't hesitate reporting them to management. In the UK, discrimination for any of these reasons is not tolerated and you can end up in jail for being openly biggoted.
When I was racing in the States last year, Rocking-M Rob, Dusterdude Mark and myself spotted a CB750 drag bike in the Pitt's.
We went over to look at it and found it to belong to an old coloured guy, we made ourselves known to him and we still chat together on a few dragrace forums. His name is Frank Loney and he is a great guy who I consider a friend.
If you two guys don't see many of your own kind, try going drag racing, coloureds outnumber us pale faces by about 20 to 1

and some of the best racers at the top are coloured just like supercross star James Stuart.
Remember, this is a community where we all look out for one another, we don't ask silly questions
