Well I bought a CL350 to restore this winter for the wife to ride. Picked it up in WA off of Ebay. Turned out it was in far worse shape than it was made out to be, but brought it home anyway. Rebuilt the carbs, new plugs, new ignition, new battery and she finnaly started today. Good fun, rode it into the hills abit before bringing it home.
Well, there's my 12 year old daughter in a crap mood, so I thought what the hell...do you want to learn to RIDE today?
Huge grin and off we went to a field down the road. I was amazed at how fast she figured out the clutch. I had the BIGGEST #$%* GRIN on my face for over 1/2 hour
My Dad never let me ride as a kid, or so he thought anyway.
I said above 1/2 hour because it was about that time she got a bit of a a slow wobble and pulled the throttle just a smidge to hard.........luckily she had the front wheel off the ground when she hit the fence

The fence caved in and no harm was done to her. She got right back on and rode for another 1/2 hour. My wife also had her 1st lesson and it went well.
Now that it's running , time to TEAR it apart for the Winter Restoration.......anyone have a front fender? the fence was not so kind on the bike

My Dad missed out on some good FUN!