Also i noticed today my shifter is definitely leaking oil so prolly needs a new oring in there and i heard that is a pita to do. On a good note i road it around for a while today and it road fine, except for trying to get it into neutral at a stop after the engine is hard.
The shifter shaft seal is not a simple oring. It's easy to replace if you know how. There are past thread on this. I pierce it with a small sharp screw driver near the outer circumference, and it pries out easily.
The neutral problem you describe is caused by the clutch dragging. If adjustment doesn't cure the issue, and oil change may help, or a change in brand, or viscosity. I don't know what you have, now.
If that doesn't cure it, then probably you have warped plates in the clutch.
If you can't learn to anticipate getting to neutral before you're stopped, or if it won't snick into neutral by slight fore and aft movement of the bike, clutch work is about the only other way to fix the issue.
I'd start with adjustment, though.