you dont get cold in texas!! Ya wuss! OHH it is only 50 today!!! oh the humanity!!!
Hey, It was 28 when I started out today. Wind Chill is a #$%*.
Yep, and it was a balmy 32 here in sunny California. I gear up much the same as Phaedrus, less in Summer-more in Winter, with the exception that I wear a full face year round. I haven't hit the pavement in over 15 years but, even in a low speed crash, the face of my helmet got pretty chewed up the few times I did.
I've been riding with some pretty fast groups lately and it has prompted me to get better gear. I started with some warm, waterproof winter gear with armor and will be looking for some Summer riding pants come Spring. The problem with pants is being willing to change into and out of them every morning and afternoon for the 20 minute ride to/from work. There are plenty of pictures on the internet of guys crashing while wearing jeans and ending up with no skin on their kneecaps to help me with my willingness. Of course, I don't ride near as stupid as they do but I like to err on the side of caution.
So Phaedrus, are ya "crazy" or just really in to QUALITY