Did that blower and injector come from Dragonfly?
Hi, Jay. Sorry, I'm not acquainted with "Dragonfly" but my blower came from the East Coast. RR
Thanks for the reply RR ! Couldn't you drive the blower off the crankshaft.
B71T, that seems like to easiest way to drive the blower; off the dyno side with a block-off plate and a remote (Goldwing?) alternator. At least that's the way I've been planning the project. I don't see any down side compared with a clutch drive. The motor will be balanced off with an RC drive and Hunt/Vertex magneto.
I still have the same problem as everyone else who's looking at an aspirated engine: pistons. I've got a set of Golden Rods I'd like to use so the DOHC 750 rods are currently an "if necessary" option.
Anyway, due to more critical priorities (survival!) this is a back-burner project, but one that is so outrageous that I have to try to do it.
BTW, has anyone ever seen a bottom end "girdle", either internal or external, made for or used on a CB750 SOHC? Where is the case weakest under extreme use? Anybody?
This forum has some great minds. Thanks to
everyone who participates in SOHC4!!!
RR if that is yours....
I'm going to find you..... kill you..... and take that home.

Lucky bastard.
Are you talking about the dog in the first pic??

Whatever... It's not
my dog!