We had the best dog in the world when we got a greyhound from the local greyhound woman in Hopkinton back in the early 90's. He was strong and docile at the same time. 75 lbs, he'd let me fall asleep with him with my head on his side, and he'd ride with me in my pickup, although I had to arrange milk crates and a couple of pillows as his carcass didn't fit on the bench seat. He was very cool in that I didn't have to use a leash with him, as we live in the suburbs. He'd stay heeled up next to me no matter what critter went running by. And could he run when I first got him, man could he run! Funny, I remember having to teach him to go down stairs.
I had him for about a year. The only problem was children startling him when he slept. He bit 3 of them. The first two were our kids, but the last was a friend's and he cut up the kid's head enough so that I had to give him back to the greyhound lady as there were too many other little kids around. I still miss that mutt!