Just reading Some of the answers given here made me want to post.....
First off..grabbing hold of the end of the piston and "just twisting till it comes free" Yep thats FINE AS LONG AS YOU INTEND TO THROW THAT PISTON AWAY! why? because your going to chew all the chrome up on the edge of the piston, which makes it rust ,which travels back past the seal and its only time before it seizes /leaks!
Secondly, sorry an all that bUT what A LOAD OF BULL about silicone brake fluid having negative points! NO IT DOESN't !! NOT AT ALL.
May I point you in the direction of (a) Mr.Chris rushton (cb750 sandcast VJMC) and his mate Max ( IT WAS HIS K2 FEATURED IN THE CB750 STORY By Mick Duckworth) Chris rides his cb750 on a near daily basis,(and travels from yorkshire to Scotland most years and back on it!) Both he and his cb750 have been regularly featured in "Tansha" (VJMC Bi-monthly members mag) among other classic bike mags. Max, to The best of my knowledge Has an example of cb750 K0, K1,2,3,6,8 (and more that i dont know about.)
Both Max and Chris "Turned me on to silicone brake fluid" some time ago, they have used it in their own cb750,s since time began (I think mAX SAID TWENTY YEARS HE HAS BEEN RUNNING IT IN HIS BIKES) With no problems at all, and I do not mean JUST no probs with the silicone fluid,I mean no probs with the brakes!! Except for the very, very occasional change of seal,(not due to rusty dirty brown sludge like with the NON silicone brake fluid) NOT because it had seized either, BUT BECAUSE AFTER SO MUCH TIME IT HAD WORN OUT NATURALLY!!!!
How many can say that?

Great! Thats what we want! (ooh deary me , a little tad of water in the bottem,probably got there through either a worn out seal or leaking banjo-bolt or nipple anyways OR a leaky master cylinder cap -seal!
THis is why you get pistons that are difficult to remove, chrome missing, leaking, DANGEROUS.
You may ONLY have one life (who knows) whenyou pull that brake lever at ninety plus MPH DO YOU WANT IT TO WORK EVERY TIME? ALLWAYS ? NO IFS OR BUTS?
This is what to do, get rid of the old non silicone brake fluid.....
open up your calipers, clean them out, pay particular attention to where the seal sits...This is where the build up of years of alluminium oxide is gonna be. stopping the piston moving freely,by not allowing the seal to sit correctly in the caliper...Its where the air meets the seal/meets the old fluid/meeets the alluminium.....
You will not find it easy to get in there with any form of rubbing paper.....get a dremal or the like and select a BRASS repeat BRASS (softer than alluminium) wheel, and GENTLY go round the seal groove.
REMOVE ALL oxidisation, but no more!
BUY NEW SEALS, DO NOT REUSE OLD ONES, they are cheap,you are not!
I can buy stainless banjo bolts for a fiver and also stainless nipples for less,these will not rust or rot.
I can buy STAINLESS pistons for cheaper than D>SILVER sells his for (The ones that you have just binned because the chrome came off and the bits jammed your brakes up remember)
These stainless pistons should last you forever! and at just fifteen pounds each thats great.
Fit the new seals, fit the new stainless pistons, fit the silicone brake fluid, and if you done it right, You will never, ever have another #$%*ty brake problem, I GARAUNTEE it........Do this, and you will thank me for ever!
In a few years time, when a seal wears out and you leak silicone fluid on your newly painted mags, you will LAUGH, because it has just made them shiny!
When you go to take the piston out and it just pops out as intended (AND as stated in manual!) You will laugh again, and when the new seal just goes in and so does the old stainless piston , STILL looking shiny and new after all those years, and when you test your brakes after the ten - minuite seal refit you just done,.......... believe me you will laugh........
Because you aint gonna have seen any dirty -rusty-stinking gunge laden -corrosive - paint stripping fluid, because you took the correct option all those years ago, or maybe listened to someone who had and learned offa them! ( like I did, Thanks Chris AND MAX)
Its great to have brakes that are perfect, and will stay that way ,because you can ride faster, knowing that a tiny squeeze stops you every time.
Dont botch it guys, we wanna see you all around for years to come.